Implementing Ecolabel in hotels and camp sites
Support for certification
The Austrian and the European Ecolabel represent the highest, international accepted certifications in the area of sustainable tourism.
Our team has supported over 100 accommodation services and camp sites all over Europe to implement the criteria and achieve certification. We co-operate closely with responsible agencies and bodies in Brussels, Austria, Italy, Germany and Slovenia to build up this system successfully. In parallel we act as external auditor for the EU and the Austrian Ecolabel.
We analyse the existing situation in hotels and focus to improve overall efficiency, overall quality, the usage of detergents, the energy and water consumption and the amount of waste generated. We support to sell sustainability to guests so that these actions result also in positive guest feedback. Following our experiences positive effects can be monitored in the area of
- Improved energy and water consumption
- Improved detergents usage and the use of environmental friendly and ecolabelled products
- clear focus on local products and services
- trained staff, acting in a conscious way and focusing to improve quality and guest satisfaction. This results usually in a higher level of motivation
- clear message to guests and clear focus on sustainability
Trainings-Tools and online shops for ecolabelled products
Energon developed training materials (, and an online shops for ecolabelled products.